The 13 trends that will ensure longevity for any company

Up until very recently and the Covid 19 pandemic, I used to advise my clients about strategic digital transformation programs and what digital tools to use to help them in the process. As a visionary, I used to explain new technology such as extended reality, robots or drones and go into detail about the benefits they would bring to their companies.

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Collaboration mondiale pour un avenir meilleur et une planète plus propre

Notre monde a besoin de plus d’actions collaboratives pour économiser nos ressources et finalement sauver notre planète. Cela prendra beaucoup de temps et de ressources pour arriver à un point où nous pensons tous que notre planète est saine et sauve. Cependant, il est important que nous fassions tous notre part pour rendre le monde meilleur grâce à la technologie et grâce à une meilleure collaboration.

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5G for businesses and consumers

In many countries today, the 5G launch is getting ready or has already started. Many businesses and some consumers in the US or China have started to benefit from faster device connections, low latency, ability to connect billions of devices, big increases in data handling and better battery time.

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